Healthy Bodies

 James B. and Ruth H. Hartline

Dear Friends:

We feel that the Bible mandates that we take care of our natural bodies which God has given to us.
Paul writing to Timothy wished him to prosper and be in good health.  Our approach to health is
very simple.  It is based upon returning to God's basic nutritional principles. The key is to eat every-
thing as near to its natural LIVE form as possible. This means making a conscious effort to avoid
cooked and processed foods, which have little or no nutrition. Before we eat any cooked food, we
should first have eaten our LIVE raw food, insuring that we are getting nutrition of a high quality that
will nourish our bodies to vibrant health.

It is extremely important to remember that LIFE BEGETS LIFE. If we eat DEAD food, we cannot
expect it to adequately nourish our LIVING cells. When food is cooked, the enzymes and most of the
vitamins and nutrients are either destroyed, or damaged so that our bodies cannot properly assimilate
them. If we eat food which does not adequately nourish our bodies, it does not satisfy our hunger,
and we eat more to feel full. This leads to weight gain.

After eating processed, devitalized food, we feel sluggish. On the other hand, when we eat LIVE raw
food, which has LIVE nutrients in it, we satisfy our hunger, do not feel sluggish, and get increased
energy and improved health. A healthy body can resist sickness and disease.

This way of eating is simple compared to all the preparation we usually do. It does require juicing
vegetables, mainly California carrots, to drink before meals. The addition of Barley Life or Barley Max
and a quarter inch slice of raw ginger root juiced in our carrot juice makes a great tasting, nourishing
drink. At lunch or dinner, in a half-hour after drinking the carrot juice, we follow with a large salad,
containing all kinds of raw vegetables. This gives us the needed fiber for proper digestion, as well as
the natural water contained in the vegetables to satisfy our thirst.

Changing eating habits has been directly responsible for healing over twenty things in James’ body,
and has made both of us feel so much better. We have renewed energy and clarity of mind. We
believe this will also be good for you. Please read the enclosed materials and contact us if you have


Meat in the Bible:


It is interesting that the Bible does not mention meat very often.  The words translated "Meat"
in the KJV of the Bible usually mean "Food," not "Flesh."

Examples of words translated "meat" in the KJV Bible:

Hebrew words:

Strong's Concordance definitions:

Mazown: (4202) Food
Okel: (402) Food
Lechem: (3899) Food Path: (6595) Bit
Ma'akal: (3978) An eatable [could possibly include meat]
biryah: (1279) Food
akiylah: (396) Food
akal: (398) To eat
Tsedah: (6720) Food
Tereph: (2964) Something torn, fragment, fresh leaf, prey, food
Pathbag: (6598) A dainty
(4203, same as 4202)

Greek words:

Strong's Concordance meaning:
Trophe: (5160) Nourishment, rations
Phago: (5315) To eat
Sitometron: (4620) a grain measure, ration
Brosimos: (1034) From 1035 (Eaten)
Brosis: (1035) eating
Broma: (1033) food
Prosphagion: (4371) something to eat in addition to bread, i.e., a relish (or fish)
Trapeza: (5132) A table or stool or counter

So you can see from these verses that when the word "meat" is used in the King James Version, it
doesn’t necessarily mean animal products.

Nutritional Improvements
 by James B. and Ruth H. Hartline

In the Surgeon Generals report is contained an interesting statement: "As the diseases of nutritional
deficiency have diminished, they have been replaced by diseases of dietary excess and imbalance--
problems that now rank among the leading causes of illness and death in the United States touch the
lives of most Americans, and generate substantial health care costs."

The reference to nutritional deficiency was in regard to the availability of all kinds of foods today, as
opposed to scarcity of foods, or availability of sufficient quantities of only specific foods in past
centuries, which caused deficiencies, leaving people vulnerable to various kinds of diseases.

Among the diseases of dietary excess listed are: Coronary heart disease, killing 500,000, some types
of cancer, killing thousands, stroke, killing 150,000, diabetes mellitus, affecting over 11,000,000, and
atherosclerosis. (Also high blood pressure affects 58,000,000.) These figures are old and would be
much higher today.

This is all attributed to diet. What we eat has a most direct bearing on our physical well-being.  We believe
that our physical health has a direct bearing on our Spiritual well-being.

Although it is true that dietary excess and imbalance has much to do with the major killer diseases which
are listed above, nutritional deficiency is still the major problem. This is because of the way our food is
prepared to be palatable, to please the taste buds, instead of supplying our nutritional needs. This is done
primarily through ignorance of what good nutrition is, and obviously, good tasting items sell better. It's not
a conspiracy, just a lack of knowledge on the part of the suppliers and the customers. The supplier provides
what sells best, and the customer buys what tastes best.


What follows is what we have experienced, or learned, and is not to be construed to be
medical advice.
We are not doctors, and have no medical credentials. What we say is what
believe to be true, and we believe it will be helpful to you. What you do with it is up to you,
and you must assume all responsibility for its results.

Our Story

Beginning a number of years ago, my wife and I set out on a course to find better nutrition for our bodies
in order to make us feel better and to guard against debilitating and incurable diseases.

Ruth became a vegetarian about l978, eating mostly cooked vegetables. I was eating mostly cooked
vegetables, with occasional meat when I ate outside the home. Eliminating certain foods definitely made
an improvement in our health, but we were not satisfied with the results.

From that beginning, we have gone through a number of steps, each an improvement over our previous
diet, but it has taken several years to find what we believe to be the best diet.

When I use the word "diet," I am not referring to being on a "diet" as when someone wants to lose weight,
but I am referring to a lifetime lifestyle change of what we eat. Weight loss is a side benefit. We are
constantly searching for ways to further improve an already excellent nutritional program. When we find
improvements, we add them in.

The diet we are now eating is extremely simple, not a lot of regimented things to do, and it gets continual,

So what improvements have we seen since we changed our eating habits? Here are some of them:

    1. We have had an improvement in our complexion, reduced blemishes, and healthier hair.
    2. We have assumed our normal body weight, that is, we lost weight and I (Jim) lost my pot.
    3. We both are more alert and our mental abilities are enhanced. We are able to read
for longer periods without drowsiness. Neither uses any kind of drugs or stimulants.
    4. We sleep better, and get by on less sleep, fall asleep more rapidly, awake more refreshed.
    5. We have improved physical stamina, more energy and feel good most of the time.
    6. We have an improved outlook on life and feel that we have actually somewhat reversed
the aging process in our bodies.
    7. I (Jim) had a number of ailments when we changed to our present way of eating. This
included three eye problems, frozen shoulder, prostate trouble, hemorrhoids, kidney pain,
carpal tunnel syndrome, bleeding gums, leg pain, athelete's foot, pulsation between collar
bones, overweight, drowsiness after meals, could not think as clearly as when I was
younger, and weakness from a stroke which I had five years before. All these have been
corrected through returning to basic foods instead of processed ones, plus I lost thirty-five
pounds, settling to my normal body weight.

Ruth did not have any obvious ailments when we began our present diet, but she had just finished a series of
treatments by a Chiropractor for back pain. She has been free from sickness since changing our eating habits.
Her general good health was apparently due in some part to not having consumed animal and dairy products
for ten years, however she did lose twenty pounds after we went to our present way of eating, and continues to
maintain her normal weight, and feel better.

We have heard many testimonies of others saying that they have been cured of arthritis, high blood pressure,
diabetes, hemorrhoids, cancer, heart disease, MS, and on and on. All by simply changing their eating habits.
Will it work for you? We believe it will, to the degree that you apply it. We believe that if you will eat the right
foods, you will give your body what it needs to heal itself, naturally, as God designed it.

Hooray for Hallelujah Acres

Where did we learn about this way of eating? As I indicated before, we switched to a largely vegetarian diet
following my stroke in January of 1988, but we were eating mostly cooked vegetables, grains and bread etc.
Ruth was strictly vegetarian and never cooked meat at home.    I ate meat when eating lunch away from home,
or at luncheon meetings I occasionally attended.

We lived in Virginia at the time, and we moved to Tennessee in 1992. When we first arrived, our diet was bad
because we were living in motels, and eating-out every meal, for three months, while we searched for a home.

In the Spring of 1993, Ruth found Hallelujah Acres listed in the Shepherd's Guide, so she called and talked to
retired preacher, George Malkmus, who was the owner of the place. He invited us to attend a short lecture and
video tape which he had scheduled. We went to the lecture, and his words rang so true when he began to talk
bout returning to the original diet that God gave man in the Garden of Eden. He was saying that food should
be left as near to its natural form as possible, that when we try to improve on what God has made, all we do is
make it less nutritious.

We read George's book," Why Christians Get Sick" which tells of his being healed of colon cancer by changing
his diet. I highly recommend "Why Christians Get Sick," and he also has a new book, "God's Way to Ultimate
Health." At the end of this writing, we will tell you where to get them. We also read several books by Dr. N. W.
Walker, and found the two to be in agreement. Since that time, we have studied as much on raw nutrition as we
can find. We will be forever grateful to George and Rhonda Malkmus for introducing us to this way of eating.

One of the things I learned from George early on is that there is a vast difference in food that is raw and food that
has been processed, whether by cooking or otherwise. One is dead and one is alive. I'll let you figure-out which
is which.

It is necessary, when processing food to sell to the public to stop all enzyme activity, and to kill all bacteria, both
good and bad. Otherwise it would spoil before it could be used. This means it must be heated, canned, pickled,
irradiated or preserved in some way to prevent spoilage. Otherwise, there would be problems with the FDA.
These processed foods are deficient in nutrition and have harmful additives which add to our health problems.

What's the difference?

At this point, I think it necessary to explain why live food is better than dead food. It's really not that hard to
understand, LIFE BEGETS LIFE, its that simple. Live food still has the nutrition in it. In general, processed food
has most of the vitamins and all of the enzymes destroyed, and the protein deranged to a form which is not
suitable for proper nutrition.

Our bodies are made of living cells (about a hundred trillion). These cells are being replace constantly (estimate:
hundreds of millions per minute). Our bodies are completely rebuilt in an estimated seven years. Surface cells are
replace weekly, heart muscles take a few months, and bone cells take three to five years or more. These living
cells were designed to utilize live food to maintain their quality.

Each time a cell is replaced, it is subject to change. Proper nutrition improves the cells, but poor nutrition makes
them weaker. Weak cells are more prone to become diseased. Our immune system is directly related to the
quality of nutrition we put into our bodies.

Besides nutritional foods, our bodies have other needs, oxygen makes up 96% or our nutritional need. When we
are out-of-doors where the air is fresh, we need to breath deeply and allow as much good oxygen into our lungs
as possible. You know it makes you feel better, and it will also make you healthier.

Water is another key element, but not the chlorinated/floridated water we find in our tap. A great source of natural
water is raw vegetables. We find that we rarely ever get thirsty on this diet. We are getting the water from two big
salads a day (about 8 oz. from each), and three glasses of carrot juice a day (8 oz. each), and if we do get thirsty
after eating some cooked food, we drink organic apple juice, or steam distilled water. [By-the-way, this diet is not
necessarily all raw, we do eat some cooked food. I'm not altogether sure that its the right thing to do, but we eat it
for the enjoyment, and keep it to a minimum.]

We are told that floride in drinking water can cause thyroid to be inactive which among other things, results in
weight gain. I heard recently that some water systems were introducing ammonia into the system to kill some
kinds of bacteria which the chlorine was missing. I can't imagine what that would taste like, or what it would do
to the human body.

The reason we use steam distilled water is because it has most of the harmful ingredients removed. The
minerals in tap water are inorganic. The body works better with organic materials. We depend on vegetable
sources to supply organic minerals, i.e., those that have come through a living plant to be changed from
inorganic, as found in the ground, to organic, rather than getting them from the water we drink. There is no
nutrition in distilled water, its just wet and supplies our need for liquids.

Vigorious Exercise helps to control our weight, decreases the risk of heart disease, improves our mental
outlook, and makes us feel better. Start out by walking enough to get your heart rate up and keep it up for
twenty minutes. Increase your speed a little each day, and gradually increase your distance.

Avoiding stress is also of great benefit.

Fearfully and Wonderfully made

The Bible tells us that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made," Psalm 139:14. Our bodies can handle all kinds
of extreme situations when called on to do so, but those extremes can be tolerated for a finite period of time
only, then we experience what we call exhaustion. This occurs emotionally and physically.

Stressing our bodies through nutritional abuse has a similar result. Our bodies will try very hard to extract all
the nutrition they can from whatever we put in as food, but there comes a time that we are torn-down so
completely from improper diet and, literally, cell starvation, that our systems begin to fail. Once the liver fails,
cancer can easily set-in.

What Causes Deteriorating Health?

We call it the "American diet." The main problem is lack of proper nourishment added to the intake of "food"
items which pollute our bodies rather than feed them.

What is wrong with the American diet? It's quite simple.

Nearly everything we eat is almost totally devoid of nutrition. Eighty-five to ninety percent of it is cooked. When
food is heated above 130 degrees, all enzymes and all vitamin C is destroyed, along with essential amino
acids L. Tryptophan and L. Lysine and 80-83% of the B vitamins, and the protein is damaged.

When the life is cooked out of something, it becomes inorganic rather than organic. The human body can only
utilize organic materials to properly nourish it.

Too often, we prepare food to suit our taste, not our nutritional needs. I believe that this is why we hear of very
young people having heart attacks and strokes. The American diet is getting worse, not better. Fast foods are
at the center of this decline.

There are more injections going into cattle, with drugs that will reap a harvest of degradation to the human body.
The way foods are prepared is a disgrace. Deep FAT frying, barbecuing, pickling, charcoaling, all kinds of ways
that add carcinogins and substances that our bodies cannot properly digest. And most of it is done in
hydrogenated oils, or animal fat, which add cholesterol to our already abused bodies.

Many of our health problems which we are told are hereditary are really dietary. We eat what our parents ate,
and inherit their ills only because of the diet.

I must be quick to add, however, that our bodies are able to make miraculous improvements when we return to
proper nutrition. They are capable of building stronger cells with each new generation when the building blocks
for health are present in our diets.

What we need is to eat as much of our food raw as possible.

Before we go any further, let me say something.  Please don't read through this material and then
say, "This is too extreme, I just can't do it."  Just as surely as you don't have to do it, you don't have
do ALL of it.  Do as much of it as fits your life.  Any move toward more RAW vegetables and fruits
improve the quality of life.  The more of it you apply, the better you will do.

What we don't eat!

It is just as important to eliminate harmful foods from your diet as it is to add the right foods to your daily intake.
In other words, what you
don't eat is just as important as what you do eat. Obviously, if we are to eat foods raw,
that automatically eliminates some foods from our diet. For example, who wants to eat raw meat? Or raw eggs?


There are many foods which are very harmful to human health. Meat is among the worst.

The first thing we usually hear is that the Bible says that all meats are clean, so what is the problem? Well, if
the unclean animals on the sheet that was lowered down in front of Peter were to be eaten by him, why did
he not understand this? Acts 10:17, "Now while Peter wondered within himself what this vision which he had
seen meant, behold, the men who had been sent from Cornelius had made inquiry for Simon's house, and
stood before the gate."(emphasis mine) If God was trying to tell him he could eat unclean animals, Peter
missed it.

It is obvious that the Vision was to show that gentiles were no longer to be considered unclean, nothing more.
Most theologians believe that this occurred about ten years after the ascension of Christ, and Peter was still
eating according to the Levitical laws. In every place translated "meat" in the King James Bible, if you look
up the Greek or Hebrew word which was used in the original manuscript, it should be translated "food." We
believe God gave His best diet first, in the garden. If God declared it good, who are we to decide differently?
More about this later.

Which meats should be eliminated from the diet? The first meat that should be dispensed with is pork. The
Bible declared it unclean, but in addition, Trichinosis, a disease from Trichinella spiralis [worms] has long
been known, but did you know that twenty-seven diseases exist in pork, some of which cannot be cured in
the pig or in the man who eats the diseased pig? Dr. Hans Reckwit said pork is a homo-sapien toxin which
initiates activation of the body's defense mechanism. It is a human poison. There are new mutant viruses
which continue to develop in swine. If that were not bad enough, those animals which are raised in feed lots
have 30% to 60% fat as opposed to the free-ranging animals our ancestors ate which had about 3% fat.
Swine were among the animals that God forbade man to eat. God had a reason for this. The pig is an
unclean animal, wallowing in mud and eating garbage.

Luncheon meat made from pork is allowed to have a certain percentage of rodent hair in it.

The fat in meat clogs our arteries with cholesterol and plaque and is responsible for heart disease, stroke,
and some types of diabetes, along with all kinds of other illnesses.

The next meat to eliminate is all forms of beef. Although beef was among the clean meats listed in the
Bible, there are many reasons we should not eat it today.

On May 23, l994, CBS News reported that E. Kohli and Lysteria germs had been found in forty out of sixty
packs of hamburger taken at random from grocery stores across the U.S. Cattle have been found to be
antibiotic resistant, and over two million people per year are hospitalized due to bad meat.

According to Dr. Stuart M. Berger, M.D., in his book What Your Doctor Didn't Learn In Medical School,
"most of the meat and poultry raised commercially--and food that finds its way to your dinner plate--is
chock full of antibiotics in the commercial feed lots. These drugs help deliver a plump, juicy steak or
chicken to your dinner table, and the food producers a juicier bottom line, but the hidden drugs they carry
take their toll on your body by delivering a constant low-level bombardment of steriods, additives and
antibiotics." We frequently hear horror stories on the news these days about antibiotic resistant strains
of disease, and I believe eating meats with all these antibiotics is partly responsible. Your doctor will tell
you to never take antibiotics unnecessarily for just this reason. But, if you eat meat, you get them anyway.

The levels of fat [30% to 40%] in stall fed cattle are ten times those of ranging animals [3%-4%]. Most meat
ontains growth hormones composed of synthetic estrogen, which has been found to cause emotional
problems and sometimes cancer.

Poultry is no better. Sixty percent of all chickens tested from the markets, in a recent test, were found to
have salmonella. Chickens are also fed stuff to get them to the market sooner, to our detriment.

We suggest that all meat be eliminated from the diet. There are dangers in eating fish from polluted waters.
We do not eat any meat, and we do not miss it. Of the seafoods, Shrimp is worst, because it is the highest
cholesterol food on earth. Clams, Oysters, Lobster and Catfish all give bad nutritional results, and were
among the unclean foods in the Bible. The Lobster is an arthropod. So is the Cockroach. God made no
mistake when He said they were unclean.

The only source of (LDL), the bad cholesterol, is animal products.

But don't I need meat for protein? The fact is that much less protein is needed than previously believed, and
the amounts found in raw vegetables and fruits is perfectly sufficient, with no meat at all. For vegans (those
who eat no meat and no dairy), eating too much protein could cause a Vitamin B12 deficiency, because
B12 is used in breaking down protein. But when we eat a good mixture of fresh vegetables and fruits, this
is not a problem. If you workout you need more protein. We have Olympic champions who are strictly

Dairy Products

The American Dairy Association says "Milk, It does a body good!" Well, if you want sinus cavities filled with
mucous, but I don't think so. All products made from milk are also harmful. In nature, animals only drink
mother's milk until they are weaned. After that, they do not consume milk.

When God made mankind, He designed the woman with breasts to supply milk to her off-spring. A woman,
according to God's plan, should nurse her children as long as they have a need for milk, about twenty-four to
thirty months. Then, at weaning, the milk supply will dry up. After that, it is totally unnatural for humans to
continue to consume milk.

Cow's milk was designed to feed a calf in its early stages of growth. The nutritional needs of a calf are very
different from the nutritional needs of a human baby. Therefore, the milk is made up differently. Cow's milk is
out of balance for human nutritional needs. It contains 300% of the casein in human mother's milk. It is
intended to ouble a calf's weight in six weeks, when a human baby's weight should double in six months.
It has 50% more phosphorus than human mother's milk.

Asthma, hay fever, colds, and sinus trouble are some of the illnesses which are very much aggravated by
cow's milk and dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt etc. Cheese has also been found to be the cause of
constipation in many instances. Yet because of lack of knowledge, and the promotion of the dairy industry,
people go right on consumming these products. They claim that we need milk for calcium, but the truth is
that digesting the protein in milk uses up calcium in the body, and the end result is less calcium, not more.

Eggs should be eliminated from the diet. They are high in cholesterol and when cooked, the protein is so
damaged that it is harmful rather than beneficial.

Regular mayonnaise has 100% of its calories from fat. Lite has 85% of its calories from fat. After you reach
your basal metabolic rate, 97% of calories taken in as fat are stored as fat.

Crisco and margarine block LDL receptor sites and increase LDL (the bad cholesterol) levels in the blood,
contributing to heart disease and cancer.

Processed Foods

Processed foods have been blanched, canned, dehydrated, frozen, smoked, sterilized, cured, pasteurized,
milled, toasted, roasted, cooked or some other method has been used. Usually, flavor enhancers have
been added, such as MSG (monosodium glutamate) or Aspartate. These substances have been found to
be harmful to many people, and although not everyone has immediate symptoms, the accumulative effect
is not yet known. Aspartame, known as Equal, or NutriSweet, and commonly used in diet soft drinks,
contains methol alcohol (paint thinner), which gets into your blood stream in about an hour. During the first
tests using monkeys subjected to a medium or high dose, every one of them had a grand mal seizure.

Blanching is putting food in hot water, or exposing it to steam, which has the effect of destroying Vitamins
C, some B-complex, P, and all the enzymes. Canned foods must first be sterilized, again destroying
vitamins and enzymes. Freezing causes the least harm, but it also degrades vegetables to a large extent.
This is because the vegetables are blanched before packaging. Soaking vegetables loses vitamins and

So the quality you received is not necessarily what you thought you were getting. Even fresh fruits and
vegetables are often subjected to abuse during shipping, such as not being refrigerated, which causes
them to lose their nutrients more readily. It is best to buy from local produce stands, or raise your own
garden, if possible. However, we buy most of our fresh produce from supermarkets, especially in the winter.
When we are looking for specific nutrients, we buy organically grown vegetables from a health food store.
Adding Barley Green to your diet will supply some of the nutrients not found in supermarket vegetables,
since Barley Green is made from organically grown barley plants.

White Flour

White flour is wheat flour which has had all the life removed from it, so it will not spoil, and then has been
bleached to make it whiter, and then a few coal-tar derived vitamins have been added back to it and it is
called "enriched." It is a sticky mess that your body does not need and has a lot of trouble dealing with.
This includes pasta, crackers, white bread and anything else made from bleached flour. It can accumulate
in your colon and be a source of constipation.

Also harmful are the following: White rice, Cold cereals [eaten with milk], and all junk food snacks. Whole-
wheat bread may be used in moderation. We eat very little bread.

Obviously, candy and cookies, cakes and pies all contain ingredients that are harmful to your health. We
have stopped eating them. We occasionally get some kind of "treat" from the health food store, but they
are not all that good for you. Chocolate is especially bad. Many people are addicted to chocolate, and
have serious withdrawal (severe headaches) when they go without it. This is because of the high level of


Beverages such as alcohol, coffee, tea, cocoa, all carbonated and all soft drinks and Gator-aid, kool-aid
and canned beverages contain substances that are not good for the human body. Three contain caffeine,
some of the others contain large amounts of sugar or sodium or both. We are told that the sugar in one
soft drink can shut-down your immune system for eight hours.


Refined sugar, table salt, caffeine, etc. are all extremely harmful to your health. As stated above, sugar has
a severely adverse affect on your immune system, among other harmful effects.

Table salt (sodium Chloride), causes your body to retain water. The sodium in your system should always
remain suspended in the liquids, and never penetrate the vital organs. When you have too great a salt
intake, the body will retain water to maintain the salt in solution, to keep it out of the organs. When you
continue to use table salt for many years, it may penetrate the organs and do great damage. We can get
all the salt we need in a natural form from the vegetables we eat and the vegetable juices we drink.

Caffeine is extremely addictive. If you drink a significant amount of coffee, or eat a lot of chocolate, try quitting
it "cold-turkey," and see how bad the headaches are. This is due to withdrawal. Caffeine is a drug, and
should not be in our diets.

What Do You Eat?

God told us what to eat in Genesis 1:29: "See, I have given you every herb [plant] that yields seed which is
on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food." Herbs are
vegetables. In Genesis 1:30, He gave the diet for animals, also herbs, but not fruit. And in Genesis 1:31,
He said that it was good. I don't know about you, but I believe God gave His best FIRST.

It was only after the flood that He allowed the flesh of certain animals to be eaten since vegetation was scarce.
That is also when the life-span of man was decreased to 120. In Psalm 90:10, we find the average life-span
shortened to 70, or if by reason of strength, 80.  James is 73 and still working fulltime.

The man who is credited with developing juicing of vegetables and fruits, Dr. Norman Walker, lived to 119.
Nobody knows how long we will live, but I believe we should take good care of the body which God gave us
to be a temple for Him.

Since vegetables and fruits are plentiful on the earth, I believe we should return to God's original diet for man,
and live longer and be much healthier. Why not die of old age instead of disease.

Our Diet

Using our Champion juicer, we each make three 8 oz. glasses of carrot juice a day, and have one glass each
at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Why Carrot Juice? Carrot juice contains a whole spectrum of nutrients, among which is Beta Carotene, which is
said to have antioxidant properties that guard against cancer. Beta Carotene is also converted by the body into
vitamin A. The rate of this conversion is regulated by the body as needed. The carrot juice is also rich in sodium
and potassium and contains calcium, magnesium and iron, with the proper balance of phosphorus, sulphur,
silicon and chlorine. It helps to normalize the body's weight as well as its chemical balance. The elements found
in carrots will vary with where and how they are grown. We recommend organically grown, whenever possible,
or at least California carrots, which are sweeter than those grown elsewhere.

We suggest that a tablespoon of Barley Life or Barley Max, a powder made by a special patented process from
young organically grown barley plants, be added to the carrot juice. This is especially important if the carrots are
not organically grown. The Barley powder supplies Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and some more Betacarotene, along
with numerous other nutrients. When combined, the carrot juice and Barley powder supply more nutrition at one
meal than most people get in a week or longer. Barley is one of the most nutritionally dense plants on the earth.
If you want your body to be healthy, it needs a lot of good nutrition. Because of the depletion of the soil, and the
difficulty and expense of always obtaining organically grown vegetables, we use Barley powder and usually buy
vegetables from the grocery store. Ideally, organic vegetables are the best way to go. They are more costly than
those in the regular supermarkets, however.

We do not eat any solid food at breakfast. We are told that our bodies are in a cleansing mode until about noon.
Eating solid food breaks this cycle, so we intake only juices or fruit until noon. If we get hungry between breakfast
and lunch, we eat a piece of fruit. Usually an apple, but it could be an orange, or a pear, more than one if we are
really hungry.

For lunch, we have 8 ounces of carrot juice with a tablespoon of Barley Green mixed in, then we follow thirty
minutes later with a large salad containing leaf lettuce [there are several varieties available: Romain, red leaf,
green leaf etc.], along with spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, celery, onion, zuchini and yellow squash, and whatever
fresh raw vegetables are available and desirable. You can add raw asparagus [very delicious] when it is
available, and bell peppers and tomatoes if you wish. Even okra is good raw.

Our salads are large enough that, if juiced, they would yield 8 oz. of liquid. In fact we have juiced them
occasionally just for fun. We normally eat no cooked food at lunch time. We find that the carrot juice and salad
are sufficient and satisfy us fully. We do not drink anything with our meals, only 30 minutes before or an hour-
and-a-half after. Drinking with meals dilutes the digestive juices and delays digestion. We want everything we
eat to pass out of our bodies as quickly as possible. This helps to avoid problems in the colon. Mid-afternoon,
if we desire, we eat more fruit.

For the evening meal, we repeat what we had for lunch, then after we have finished our raw food, we eat a
baked potato, or some brown rice, or steamed vegetable.

Ideal Diet

Our diet is basically the same as that which we learned from Hallelujah Acres. We sometimes add raw corn-
on-the-cob to our meals. It is delicious eaten raw. So is okra and asparagus. Most people would never try
these, but if you do, you will be pleasantly surprised at the taste. They are much better for you raw. This is the
ideal diet for good health.

We realize that not everyone will be able to switch instantly to this diet, although many do. If you have difficulty
making such a drastic change, consider eliminating as much of the bad things from your diet as possible, and
substituting more green leafy and other fresh vegetables. Also, include several pieces of fruit in your daily diet.
Over a period of time, eliminate more of the harmful foods, and substitute more fresh, raw foods. Adding
freshly made vegetable juice to your diet is invaluable. The Champion juicer, a masticating type, is superior
to the spinning basket type and gives a higher level of nutrition due to less oxidation. It is more expensive, but
well worth the difference. It is an investment in your health. We recommend that you don't buy it unless you are
committed to using it.

Just switching to cooked vegetables is not sufficient. In fact, you may end up with several deficiencies if you go
to a cooked vegetarian diet. The secret to the success of this diet is RAW. Food that is still alive.


If you like chocolate, try substituting carob. It is somewhat similar tasting, and carob actually has many good
qualities. If you eat chocolate, make sure it is at least 77% and with as little sugar as possible. 

If you have a "sweet-tooth," isn't it about time to exercise some self-control? You could try some dates or figs
instead of candy or cake. If you must sweeten something you are preparing, use barley malt sweetener, honey,
or Zylitol, which you can find at a health food store.

You can get all the natural salt and sugars you need from vegetables and fruits. If you want a salty taste in your cooked
vegetables, first boil them or steam them in distilled water, then add some Bragg liquid amino acids after they have
cooled down somewhat. It tastes salty, and is delicious. There are other brands also. They are available at health food
We do not use sodium saccharin, aspartame, splenda or other sugar substitutes, since they are considered
questionable by some health practioners and suspected of causing health problems.

Instead of coffee, try Pero, or one of the other cereal based drinks. When you get used to it, it will satisfy the need for
a hot drink. You will most likely not desire it as often as coffee.

There are many other good substitutes if you will look for them, which help to make the switch from poor nutrition to
good nutrition easier.

Barley Powder and Herbal Fiberblend

We strongly recommend: Barley Life or Barley Max and Herbal Fiberblend or equivalent. We also take sun

Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol also cause significant calcium loss as does he phosphorus contained in flesh and soft drink.
Because of these dietary factors, we must supplement dietary calcium to make up for deficiencies. By cutting down
on the above listed items, we decrease calcium loss and a total plant dietary can indeed meet our calcium needs.
There are other factors also worth mentioning in regard to osteoporosis. Women who have never given birth are more
likely to have osteoporosis, as are those with a history of low lifetime physical exercise. Nervousness or stress by
itself can decrease calcium absorption by 30%. King Solomon, (100 years B.C.) apparently knew this when he said.
"a crushed spirit dries up the bones," and "a heart at peace gives life to the . . . bones." Prov. 17:22, 14:30 NIV.
Vitamin D. a substance necessary for proper calcium utilization, is absent from most dietary substances. It is usually
obtained as a food additive. Adequate Vitamin D can also be obtained by exposing a 2 X 2 inch square of skin to the
sun for 15 minutes a day even when overcast. A total vegetarian user should pay proper attention to maximizing
calcium absorption and minimizing calcium losses. It is good to note that calcium comes from dark leaf greens,
nuts; and seeds.


 Iron intake is of concern to some, yet the hemoglobin of total vgetarians and lacto-ovo vegetarians is not
statistically different from those on a flesh dietary.. Chemicals called phytates in plant foods bind iron and keep
it from heing absorbed by the casual plant eater. In those who eat whole grains. the enzyme phytase appears
in the small intestine and begins releasing iron from the phytate, thus allowing it to be absorbed. It is important
to note that coffee also decreases iron absorption by 39% and tea by 64%.


Zinc, another mineral sometimes in question. was studied in 56 long term vegetarian women of an average age
of 53. Their intake was found to be above the RDA and ''there was no evidence of any zinc deficiency."

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 is another nutrient that needs proper attention. Vitamin B-12 is manufactured by microbes and
utilized by mammals. Cows with their high gut bacterial content are major B-12 factories. A lacto-ovo vegetarian
will have no possible dietary deficiency, but a total vegetarian will want to understand his source of Vitamin B-12.

A primary use of Vitamin B-12 is in protein metabolism. If a varied, unrefined, total plant dietary is adequate in
calories, it is also adequate in protein. Excess protein increases the need B-12. If the total plant diet intake of
protein is kept within 40-60 grams/day as recommended by the Food and Nutrition board, the risk of dietary
deficiency is further reduced.

There is available today a sublingual form of B-12 put out by Trivita that improves ones feeling of well being.
Be aware that some people have reported that they experienced migraine headaches after taking 1000
micrograms several days in succession.

Benefits of a vegetarian diet:

God commented on His original dietary choice for man's diet of all plant sources saying it was "very good."
He shared with us that all necessary food elements for the human system and all nutritive properties necessary
to make good blood are found in grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. We submit that if a variety of these dietary
items are utilized, in a simple, unrefined, Form, great benefits will result. 

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